In a laissez-faire society, there could exist no public institution with the power to forcefully protect people from themselves. From other people (criminals), yes. From one's own self, no.”  --  Karl Hess

Karl Hess Club

Founded on April 30, 1994 by Samuel Edward Konkin III, J. Kent Hastings, Brad Linaweaver and Mike Everling. If you wish to learn more about Karl Hess, please consult his autobiography.


Contact Info

Meetings Archive

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Samuel E. Konkin III

Dallas E. Legan II

Brad Linaweaver

J. Neil Schulman

Chauntecleer Award




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The Karl Hess Club is a Los Angeles based libertarian supper club that meets each month on the third Monday at [we are currently seeking a new venue; stay tuned].

Dinner starts at 5 p.m., though you may arrive earlier. If so, please state that you are with the KHC so the club gets credit for your custom. Minimum for attendees is $10.00 plus a $5.00 cover to the club (which, with notice, may vary upward by program). Attendees must observe the minimum restaurant order. Order off the menu and pay your own tab.

At 8:00 p.m., the KHC adjourns.

Regular Schedule

  4:00 p.m.  Gathering Time
  5:00 p.m.  Dinner (order from menu)
  5:30 p.m.  Announcements 
  6:00 p.m.  Speaker 
  7:30 p.m.  Q & A 
  8:00 p.m.  Adjournment from venue.


Lib Books

Download a Free pdf copy of Samuel E. Konkin III's An Agorist Primer.



    Meeting Schedule

* February 17, 2025. "Foreign Policy at the Speed of Trump" -- meeting held at the IHOP in Alhambra


The Karl Hess Club, its organizers, associates, vendors, and participants assume no liability for any loss or injury suffered by anyone due to his or her attendance to, or participation in, any KHC proceedings. Your continued participation and loyal support of the KHC is appreciated and gratefully acknowledged by your humble servant, Senior Facilitator Mike Everling. Thank you.

Who Was Karl Hess?

The KHC was named in honor of libertarian philosopher Karl Hess. Learn more about him in his autobiography.

Some of the writings of KHC co-founder Samuel E. Konkin III may be found in New Libertarian Manifesto and Agorist Class Theory.

Learn more about the Karl Hess Club in this Hollywood Investigator report.