Ben Pleasants


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... is scheduled as the guest speaker for the 172nd meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on October 20, 2008.


    Ben Pleasants on "The Bunker Hill Novels: Fante, Bukowski and Miles"

Ben Pleasent will present secret audio tape recordings from John Fante and Charles Bukowski on their Bunker Hill novels (e.g., Fante's Ask the Dust and Dream From Bunker Hill, and Bukowski's Ham on Rye

Pleasants will also discuss Richard Miles's unknown novel, The Moonbathers.

Pleasants covers some of this material in his recent article, Swimming to Cassavetes.

    About Ben Pleasants

Ben Pleasants is a Los Angeles novelist, playwright, poet, literary critic, and renown biographer of "meat poet" Charles Bukowski.

Pleasants plays include Contentious Minds: The Mary McCarthy/Lillian Hellman Affair, and The Hemingway/Dos Passos Wars.

Other works include: Visceral Bukowski: Inside The Sniper Landscape Of L.A. Writers (with  Digby Diehl); A Gin-Pissing-Raw-Meat-Dual-Carburetor-V8-Son-of-a-Bitch from Los Angeles: Collected Poems, 1983-2002 (a collection of poetry by Dan Fante, Joyce Fante, Michael Napper, and Ben Pleasants); 53 Stations of the Tokaido; Airmail from Oblivion, and a recently published monograph, Rexroth, Bukowski and the Politics of Literature (The Beat Scene Press, Coventry, England 2007), available online at 3 AM Magazine.