Damon Packard


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... is scheduled as the guest speaker for the 171st meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on September 15, 2008.

    Damon Packard on "My Work as an Underground, Gonzo, Indie Filmmaker."


Damon Packard is a true "independent" filmmaker, with a unique vision and aesthetic style. His oeuvre consists of some two dozen films, mostly shorts, two 45 minute mini-features (SpaceDisco One and The Untitled Star Wars Mockumentary) and one feature, the 2 hour Reflections of Evil.

SpaceDisco One borrows elements (and sometimes entire clips) from Logan's Run, Battlestar Gallactica, 1984, 9/11 Fox News footage, and scenes of Winston Smith and O'Brien and Logan's daughter at Universal Citywalk to create a gonzo vision of future and past. A blend of 1970s and 1980s pop cultural references, libertarian perspectives, and the simply bizarre.

A sample from his bizarro Reflections of Evil is available for viewing on YouTube.

After screening some of his films at the Karl Hess Club, Packard with discuss both the intent of his art, and his adventures in filmmaking and distribution.


    About Damon Packard

Damon Packard has a website, and Wikipedia entry, and a MySpace page.

SpaceDisco One was completed in May 2007. It screened at the New York Film Festival on October 6, 2007. It was also an official selection for the Hollywood Film Festival, The Lausanne Fest Switzerland, Lincoln Film Center NY, Berkeley Fest, Tulsa Overground, The Dark Room San Francisco, Il Corral L.A., Union Gallery London, and many others throughout 2007.

It will be distributed on DVD by OtherCinema (with Lost in Thinking and other assorted Packard shorts) in 2008.

Samples of his work may be found on YouTube.