Craig Huey


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search engine by freefind scheduled as the guest speaker for the 278th meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on June 19, 2017.



     Craig Huey on "Election Forum: What Went Wrong in California and What We Can Do About It."


Craig Huey will analyize the reasons behind the death of the California dream. What went wrong -- and can we return the good life to the Golden State?




     About Craig Huey:


Craig Huey is a small businessman and marketing consultant. For over 35 years, he's helped small companies succeed. He has provided training and job opportunities in Torrance for over 100 employees and thousands nationwide.

He has appeared on Fox News as an economic commentator, has been a guest speaker on radio stations KKLA, KBRT, KRLA, KFI, KWVE and KABC, and has written for the Daily Breeze.

He has been a libertarian for over 40 years and has run for Congress in the South Bay. He is the coordinator and speaker for the California Election Forum.