Tim Ferreira


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...is scheduled as the guest speakers for the 294th meeting of the Karl Hess Club, to convene on October 15, 2018.



     Tim Ferreira on "Election 2018: We got past Top Two. Now what?"

The Top Two primary system has hindered our electoral efforts, despite a few bright spots. For instance, we were able to run write-in candidates against otherwise non-opposed office seekers, and thereby make it onto the general election ballot. However, we would prefer running candidates in every race, to more robustly represent the LP and its vision of governance.

Tim will discuss the upcoming midterm elections, how our local LP candidates will approach it, and offer some strategies for future success.




     About Tim Ferreira


Tim is chairman of the financial standards committee, and executive director of the candidate support committee, for the Libertarian Party of California.

He is a past LPC candidate for Lt. Governor, and plans to run for that office again.